Broccoli straight from the my garden! I have never been this excited about broccoli before! The broccoli took about 3 months to grow to full size but I did plant the seedlings in the middle of winter.
This salad has been one of my go-to-salads for a long time, I even had to have it at my 21st. It's simple and tasty - everybody loves it !
Broccoli Salad
1 broccoli head - maybe two if you are feeding more than 4 people
250g bacon bits
4 tablespoon Mayonnaise
2 teaspoon lemon juice
pinch of salt
pinch of black pepper
1 tablespoon of milk
2 teaspoons of brown sugar
a small handful of raisins or cranberries
a small handful of sunflower seeds or cut up pecan nuts - or both if you like
Fry up the bacon bits until crispy and allow to cool.
Clean the broccoli and pull into small pieces. Place in a bowl.
In another bowl; add mayo, milk, lemon juice, salt, pepper, sugar, raisins/cranberries and seeds together and mix
In the broccoli bowl - add the bacon and the mayo mix and mix it up!
Eat it immediately or leave for a few hours in the fridge. I suggest living it in the fridge for a few hours, it will absorb off the flavours and taste amazing!
and remember to love yourself first,
Love Amber